Baby Names
Unique baby names will give children a sense
of identity, individuality and of being special like no
other gift you may give. Since unique means "one of
a kind" your child will have something no one else
has and something that no one can take away from them.
The trick to unique baby names is
first coming up with them and the safeguarding them
so that no one else uses the same name. Once other
people start to use your unique baby name, then your
baby isn't quite as special.
So, the first then you need to do is come up with
the name and the second thing is to protect it.
Coming up with a unique baby name is not all that
difficult. All that is required is to make up a
few words that no one has thought of before.
While this may sound hard at first, the easiest way to
do this is to combine words. For instance, if you're having
a boy, you may wish to call him, Jeffybob, Johnnytom or
Joekurt. If a girl is what you'll be blessed with call her
"Saratara", "Judylinda" or "Janiegirl".
There are thousands of this very kind of variation for you
to mix and match to your heart's delight.
Also, if you'd rather not combine names, you can combine
words that aren't names to come up with your ultimate unique
baby name. As an example, you may combine flower names and
come up with MariPetunia" or tool names such as "HammerSaw".
Now that you see how our little game works here, its time
to up the ante for cash and prizes. Suppose by our little
exercise, you've come up with a truly special one-of-a-kind
unique baby name. And, you name your special child this
Who is to say that others won't take on the ideas as their
own, jump on your bandwagon and start popping out kids with
your child's unique baby name? You need protection, my friend!
That is why once you've come up with your "BillyBobJohn"
or "BettySueMay" name, you'll need to copyright,
trademark, patent and put an electronic ankle bracelet on
it so that no one steals your kid's name. First, however,
you'll need to do a search through the government's website
to make totally sure that no other parent or business has
beaten you to the punch.
For added protection, put your unique baby name inside
a sealed envelope, have a notary sign that you sealed the
envelop in front of them and store it at your attorney's
office. Additionally, it is wise to do this same procedure,
but instead roll the envelop up real tight and squeeze it
into a bottle, seal it and send it adrift out to sea. This
will insure that your own attorney does not abscond with
your precious child's name either. My attorney, LaTrasha
LaTrine, has already done this in advance of my next born