of Names - K
If you're looking for the meaning of names that start with
"K" then you've come to the right page. Not really.
In fact, if you happen to be looking for the actual and
factual meaning of names that begin with "K" then
this is a very sad place for you, I'm afraid.
Being that this is a humor site, the meanings of
the names that start with "K" on this
page are fake, fraudulent and downright filled with
chicanery, tomfoolery and will incite the masses
to perform shenanigans on one another. In fact,
there happen to be no facts upon this page whatsoever.
Everything is made up out of thin air with no shred
of supporting evidence at all. So, if you're looking
for truth, then find a soothsayer on a mountain.
But, if you prefer fun, the stick around a bit and
check out the names.
Meaning of Names That Begin with "K"
Kacey - means "sunshine band" in Kazakhstan.
Kai - synonymous with "power tools" in East Graphia.
Kali - short for calico cat in the country of Dyslexia.
Kalliope - little monkey
Kamal - one who has a hump.
Kane - Irish form of candy.
Karen - one who sucks leeches.
Kari - person who smells other people's behinds.
Karl - Marx Brother.
Kaspar - friendly ghost.
Kat - feminine and feline form of Kitty.
Kate - Moss
Katrina - one who blows too hard
Kay - means "K"
Keaton - same as "Michael rowed the boat ashore"
in West Mongolia.
Keegan - Gaelic form of "embarrassing rash".
Keith - big in tooth like a woodchuck.
Kelly - "Tires" in Turkmenistan.
Kelsey - grammar is important in Uzbekistan.
Kemp - contraction for "keep the hemp burning".
Ken - next of kin.
Kendall - who Barbie dates.
Kendrick - the drick of Ken.
Kennedy - drunk and disorderly in Irish.
Kenneth - one who licks the toad's wet bottom.
Kent - duke of earl.
Kenya - African country.
Kenyon - canyon in Afghanistan.
Kermit - frog
Kerry - one who should have won the election.
Kevin - kind, gentle, handsome one who smells own farts.
Kevork - one who kills others.
Kia - small car that no one wants to buy.
Kiki - kinda kookie.
Kim - derived from "Goddess of the Grunt Stone"
in Iran.
Kimball - ball of Kim.
Kimberly - derived from the old Darfur word for Kimberlicious.
King - Queen for a day.
Kip - pet name for a gorilla.
Kipling - one who writes children's stories.
Kirk - enterprising young man.
Kirsten - one who self-flagellates to punk rock music.
Kit - cat
Kitty - cat
Klaas - one with long fingernails.
Klaus - one who believes in Santa.
Knox - a person who announces himself before entering.
Kolby - cheese
Korina - of the cow tippers.
Kristie - rice cereal
Kumar - one who picks poop up after dogs.
Kurt - short, concise and to the point.
Kyran - running form of Ky.