of Names - Q
The meaning of names that start with "Q" are
the quintessential quagmire of crap, according to some.
To others the meaning of these "Q" names represent
quite quiet yet quick quantum quotes with unquestionable
In other words, the meaning of these "Q"
names is anyone's guess because we're just making
this stuff up as we go. As on other pages on this
website, there is no factual content to be found
here whatsoever. In fact, the content that was there
has been deleted for entertainment purposes.
We try to not let the facts get in the way to having
a good time around here. That said, this is a humor
site after all, and truth and facts are a real downer.
So, my dear friend, for the sake of frivolity and silliness,
we present the meaning of the names that come off the tops
of our heads and flying out of our buttocks' at the same
time. This is quite a feat, won't you agree?
Meaning of Names That Begin with "Q"
Qadir - a deer shaped like a quadrangle.
Qasim - quartermaster in Davy Jones' Locker
Qing - King with a lisp.
Quang - sound of fallen silverware.
Queen - be-atch of the world.
Quentin - San Prison
Quincy - Pig Latin for first name with means "Surname
that means 'sir'".
Quinn - Eskimo
Quintella - one who bets on horses.
Quintus - Latin for squint.
Quirino - Latin for squink.
Quy - derived from the past participle meaning "is
this really a word?"
Quyen - Means five yen in Japanese