of Names - J
Jocular jackals joking know that the meaning of names that
begin with "J" are a jolly good bunch of words
indeed. In fact, the names in the "J" section
mean joy for us as we aspire to put funny and unique associations
to them.
These J-words have a rich variety of original meanings,
but we have thrown that all out in lieu of obscure,
made-up references to pop culture, puns and other
wordplay. Why do we do this? The simple answer is,
because we want to. There are plenty of sites around
that will give you real and factual answers. But,
we on the other hand are the only site around that
gives out misinformation, lies and suspect humor.
This is what makes us unique and we are sticking
with it.
Meaning of Names That Begin with "J"
Jabbar - long one who can dunk.
Jacinta - Spanish for stinking rose.
Jack - ripper or box in Algonquin.
Jacklyn - female form of jackalope.
Jackson - son of Jack.
Jacob - cub of Jack.
Jacques - means "underwater diver forgotten by the
new generation"
Jade - preciously stoned
Jake - in the box.
Jamal - shopping center.
James - smeller of other people's armpits
Jan - short form of January.
Jane - likes Dick
Janet - damn it
Janey - got a gun
Janice - synonym of "bluesy white girl"
Jared - eat subway in Lithuanian
Jarvis - a jar of vis.
Jasmine - smell of rotting eggs in the sun
Jason - friend of Freddie
Jasper - friendly ghost
Javier - one who slurps oysters yet doesn't enjoy it
Jay - long form of J
Jean - means "jacket" in Polynesian.
Jeb - redneck
Jefferson - derived from "airplane" in South
Jeffrey - Free of Jeff
Jennifer - garlic breath
Jeremiah - one who oozes from the pores.
Jericho - one who falls hard
Jerry - rigged
Jesse - James
Jessica - person who whacks you with a stick
Jewell - sings like a pretty rock.
Jim - one who works out.
Joan - arc welder
Joanne - Irish jig dancer who wears fancy pants
Job - work
Jodie - foster child
Joe - hey
Joel - long form of "hey"
John - one who picks up those who practice the oldest profession
Johnnie - all work and no play, makes Jack a dull boy
Jolene - skinny girl
Jonah - call me Ishmael.
Jonas - crier of terrible terrors
Jonathan - apple
Joni - love Chachi
Jordan - one who shoots basketball at the end of the game
Jose - connects to hose B.
Joseph - from the Pig Latin meaning "my foot is on
Joshua - tree
Josie - pussycat
Joy - happiness of the turtle
Judas - Brutus
Judd - combined form of jug of mud
Judy - rude maid in Argentina.
Julie - August
Juliette - one who picks the wrong guy to be with.
Julius - Seize her!
July - June
June - May
Jung - collective unconsciousness in Bavarian.
Junior - senior
Juniper - berry, berry good.
Juno - what I know?
Jupiter - large mass
Justice - forgotten concept