Girls Names
Popular girls names are wonderful if you
wish for your daughter to join in with the popular girls
in high school. If you're looking for a popular girls name
for your daughter, why not just name her Brittany, Britney
or even Brittnee so a few years later she can go into rehab
and shave her head?
If your intent is to choose a popular girls name
so that your little female baby may one day join
the "in" crowd, then go ahead and name
her the aforementioned or something similar like
Buffy, Kimberly, Jennifer or just "Upper Class
White Girl". You can even let your popular
little girl pick her own name when she's in high
school such as Seyarahhh or Typhanee. Wouldn't this
be a hoot?
Popular girls names are often centered around whatever
celebrities are hot right now.
For instance, you may wish to go with Brooke, Cameron,
Courtney, Felicity, Fergie, Kirsten or Madonna for maximum
effect. Be sure, when she's barely old enough to let her
drive your Jag, to also let her wear $500 sunglasses and
watch hours of mindless video on Paris Hilton's escapades.
Some parents confuse popular girls' names with those that
are common. If you would like to go with the most common
name, the pick Mary since this is a timeless classic. Timeless,
boring, but classic and you know you can't go wrong with
the classics.
Now, back to the popular girls in school and their names.
If you want your daughter to join just the perfect clique
you'll have to start planning now and see what the other
wealthy parents in Newport Beach are naming their children.
The best advice is to go door to door, knocking and demanding
this information.
Rich and wealthy upper class white people spend a lot of
time at home and love strangers coming to their door. So,
don't be hesitant to approach wealthy people in this manner
even if it means using a ladder or catapult to gain entrance
into their gated communities.
Taking a poll of this sort is the only way to determine
the most popular girls names in your community, so that
many years later, your daughter will fit right in with all
the right people and star in her own episode of "mean