- Etymology
If you're really into names and their meaning, then you may wish
to check out some of the fine etymology resources that we've partnered
with. We realize that as a humor site that we don't have all the
In fact, we have very few real, truthful and factual answers that
some people are looking for in the area of the etymology of certain
names or words. This is why we present the finest sites that we
can find on etymology as a resource for further research.
As a meaning of names humor site, we appreciate you taking the
time to laugh with us (or at us as the case may be), but we also
know that visitors may be seeking serious answers to questions involving
the etymology of names. Since you've gotten this far, dear reader,
you may as well venture on and seek out the etymology of the names
that you so desire. Go now and may you find what you seek (without
any hide and seek).
For scholars, the American
Dialect Association has been around since 1889 and is dedicated
to studying the English language of North America and its influences If you're looking for a fun word game, try Etymologic,
which is an online quiz designed to test your skill and knowledge
of word origins.
For those who are looking for a website that helps amateur genealogists
find variations on the names of their forebears which might be found
in official record, try What's
In A Name as this site will help you find many unexpected entries.