Baby Names
Modern baby names are needed by parents who
don't want to get mired in the old, antiquated and outdated
names and want something that is hot and hip to bestow upon
their child. While some parents may prefer names from the
Elizabethan era or even ones that are biblical in nature,
others prefer modern baby names to all else.
For boys we recommend "Gangsta"
as the ultimate modern baby name and for girls its
"Ho". If rap and hip hop aren't your thangs,
then we have a further recommendation in regard to
modern baby names.
If it's a boy, call him "Galactica" and
if it's a girl, call her "Zyrexia". Modern
baby names are a wonderful thing because they can
be flexible, spelled erratically and based upon
pop culture.
If one is looking for popular baby names or common baby
names then it is best to look through the other pages for
this information. Modern baby names may include such monikers
for boys as "Thor", "Thunder" and "Sparkzilla".
Girls on the other hand demand a softer touch when it comes
to modern baby names. Calling her "Sassafras",
"Sarsaparilla" or "Sally Mae" may just
get you slap in modern circles. So, instead call her "Pinkorella",
"Sarafilla" or "Golgothia".
Modern baby names may be based upon science, science fiction,
fantasy or made up words. Made up words are the most fun
since you can spell them however you like since you are
the one coining the word in the first place.
Another idea to modernize a baby name is to take an olden
name and misspell it to make it modern. For instance, Aaron
will become "Aeroynne", Samuel will become "Sammuyle"
or Elizabeth will become "Elyszebethe". See what
fun this is?
It's also fun to misspell other words and give these as
modern baby names to your child. Some examples would be
catsup turns into "Kattsuyp", socket turns into
"Ssoyckette" and candle turns into "Kandeyllia".
It's no wonder that modern baby names are so popular right
now. One doesn't have to have any spelling skills whatsoever
to come up with a few names. You can also throw spell check
out the window as well. All you have to do is use your fine
imagination and write down the first few things that pop
into your head.
If you do this, your modern baby name will also be a unique
baby name as well.