of Names - A
When one examines the meaning of "A" names, one
is to note that this page has nothing to do with aardvarks.
It would be wonderful if this page did have something to
do with aardvarks since that is a funny name at the beginning
of the alphabet, but I digress. In regard to the meaning
of names that begin with "A" it is important to
denote the funny and humorous intent behind the names.
Meanings may vary from one culture to the next,
so take what is written here with a grain of salt.
Or assault and battery if you will.
Remember, the meaning of names listed on this page,
should not be used in a court of law as they will
be deemed irrelevant and silly. Though most of the
meanings of names listed here will not rise to the
definition of libel, a few will. So, use caution
when repeating what you've read on this page.
Meaning of Names That Begin with "A"
Aaron - means "Hank or Hankie" in Baseballian.
Abba - meaning derived from a Scandinavian cookie box,
popular in the U. S. market, defined as "boring yet
Abbagail - means boring yet delicious cookies that give
the father indigestion.
Abbey - short for "church" or "steeple"
and you open it up and see all the people.
Abdulla - means "oblongata" or large brain tissue
forced inside a tiny head.
Abe - small, short furry creature that was most likely
our ancestor.
Abel - means one with many disabilities such as a hook
instead of a hand.
Abilene - short for Texas tornado or small woman with lots
of energy.
Abraham - a special kind of pork presented to our founding
fathers on President's Day.
Abram - old name meaning "Old Name".
Ace - from the Latin meaning "Ventura".
Achilles - defined as a "tendency towards tendons"
or "someone who's a real heel".
Adam - meaning "first" or "ribless man looking
for a soft-round thief".
Addison - the opposite of Subtractisson.
Adolph - comes from the Germanic "Heil" or "little
Adonis - one with the perfect body who is probably gay.
Adrian - means butt lick in swahili.
Aesop - fabled name presumed to mean "one who makes
things up".
Agape - meaning "love the one you're with".
Agatha - defined as "Christie" or "auction
Agnes - old name meaning "Name that is old".
Aileen - means "one leg is shorter than the other".
Akon - from the Latin, Ack and the Ethiopian Rap Singer,
the meaning is to be jailed for grand theft auto and then
come out with a platinum album.
Al - short for Algonquin or Albatros.
Alan - comes from the Irish Alanon.
Alanis - means "city under the sea".
Alastair - defined as a stair that is ala carte.
Albert - means "fat" in both French and Swahili.
Alberta - means "fat Canadian" in both French
and Swahili.
Alex - short for Alexus brand of automobile.
Alexandra - means "country of the broken stumps".
Alf - small, furry alien from the Greek word, "Alfalfalicious"
Alfonzo - derived from "Happy Days" and "Fonzarelli".
Alfred - defined as a "Alf who is red".
Alfie - fie fo fum, I smell the blood of an alien.
Ali - means "greatest boxer of all time" in 2,500
different languages.
Alice - means "without malice" or "Wonderland"
or "Wonderbra" depending upon the region of Brazil
in which one is speaking.
Alicia - is defined as having the keys to the city.
Allison - derived from son of Ali, the greatest boxer of
all time.
Amadeus - means composer who has decomposed.
Ambrosia - is a derivative of "sweet smell of sweat".
Amy - means to put one in one's site on a rifle.
Andre - defined as giant mountain range.
Andreas - from the Roman, "fault in California".
Angela - an antonym to Devila.
Angie - I
Angus - beef
Anne - means "Queen for a day" or at least 57
Annie - orphaned form derived from the Persian superlative
Antoinette - means "Marie" in Canadian.
Apollo - from the Harlem word for "showtime"
or the NASA word for "Space Cowboy".
April - derived from the French phrase "you're dirty,
so take a shower".
Archie - from the military phrase for "bunker".
Aretha - means "powerful vocalist" in Pig Latin.
Ariel - means "mermaid" in Disney-speak.
Aries - derived from the phrase "ram their backsides"
in Greek.
Arista - from "ear of a cat" in Latin.
Arnold - means "pig" in Pig Latin or just "Latin"
in Latin.
Arshole - posterior region of the body.
Art - defined as "deco" in Warhol-speak.
Arthur - understood as "king of the drunken movies".
Ashley - dust to dust
Athena - goddess of gruel and unusual punishment.
Atlas - means "Where are we?" in Portuguese.
Attila - was the next in line for a thrilla in Manilla
with a gorilla named Magilla, but is defined as "one
who has succumbed to salmonella".
Austin - defined as "the power of Texas".
Autumn - comes from the Norwegian word for "dead leaves".