100 Baby Names
The top 100 baby names is a subjective list
based upon our personal preferences, which have nothing
to do with research or reality. For instance, many other
sites, will cite the top 100 baby names according to popularity,
longevity or some other criteria that makes sense to most
We, however, have chosen to take a different route
in choosing the top 100 baby names to present on
this site. What is that criteria, you may ask? Well,
you may ask the question, but most likely we will
not listen as we rarely ever do.
But, if I were to answer your question, I would
say that the top 100 baby names listed below would
be according to first, whim, second whimsy and third,
humor value.
So, that said, check out the top 100 baby names presented
here and see if you agree with our results. In addition,
if you would like to substitute something on this list for
your own offering, send it in. If we agree, we'll make the
replacement posthaste.
Top 100 Baby Names
2. Woodie
3. Snargly
4. Snugglebumps
5. Gangsta
6. Jack O' Lantern
7. Broderick
8. Bell
9. Angina
10. Comet
11. Gump
12. Wanda June
13. Tamiflu
14. Grady
15. Stouffer
16. Fluffy
17. Ichabod
18. Cranky
19. Tofu
20. Chelate
21. Grecko
22. Condo
23. Tabuli
24. Thunderpants
25. Califa
26. Thornberry
27. Crymea
28. Stubbles
29. Poseiden
30. Titanic
31. Goatboy
32. Lemming
33. Fluke
34. Hopper
35. Tango
36. Crypto
37. Sasquatch
38. Yeti
39. Debtor
40. Mayonnaise
41. Camaro
42. Cretan
43. Pagan
44. Putz
45. Zorba
46. Sheldon
47. Kinneson
48. Quieg
49. Queasy
50. Lamb
51. Digger
52. Jordache
53. Mervin
54. Portnoy
55. Flevin
56. Snooker
57. Snidely
58. Dominator
59. Bully
60. Katmandu
61. Bangkok
62. John
63. Tsunami
64. Z5
65. Tryptophan
66. Jethro
67. Elly Mae
68. Clampett
69. Earheardt
70. Crampy
71. Culdesac
72. Bob
73. Chastity
74. Clara
75. Clarvoyant
76. Kong
77. Sea Biscuit
78. Jambalaya
79. Satan
80. Mercury
81. Betty
82. Soldier
83. Tantrum
84. Terrible Ivan
85. Kilometer
86. Coffee
87. Magpie
88. Chatterbox
89. Crow
90. Wonder Duck
91. Brad
92. Joolie
93. Snarf
94. Thurston
95. Gremlin
96. Shelty
97. Lugonia
98. Alf
99. Mortimer
100. Kawliga