of Names - F
A flatulent person may note that the meaning of names that
begin with "F" is a fanciful and farcical adventure
into the origin and somewhat suspect meanings of names.
As one might fathom, the meaning of names that begin with
"F" would be fortuitous if only it were a real
endeavor and not made up.
Alas and alack, the meaning of names on this page
are but a farce and a flight into funny and frivolous
fancifulness. Yet, it is our hope that the meaning
of names that begin with "F" provide some
sort of value to those who can appreciate, for instance,
a fart joke or some other flight of merriment. So,
pull up your stockings, let your hair down and find
your own free-floating name upon this page. Don't
not be offended however by the joke, pun, one-liner
or pathetic innuendo as each entry on this page
is to be taken with a grain or bucket of salt.
Meaning of Names That Begin with "F"
Fabien - Farsi for "fabulous" and Israeli for
"goose face"
Fabio - means "perfection of the duck" in Borneo
Faith - biblical term for "science sucks".
Falk - the "F-word" in Yiddish.
Fannie - butt
Fanny - butt
Farah - big hair in Arabic.
Farley - big, fat funny drug addict in Taiwanese.
Farouk - you.
Farrah - bigger hair.
Farrell - will you play with me in Sudanese.
Fatima - fat magic carpet rider in Arabic.
Fauna - Flora.
Faustus - draft me a cold beer in Irish.
Fawn - hall of small deer.
Fay - Ray of sunshine in Pakistani.
Fedora - means "hat" in Russian.
Felicia - one who goes down.
Felecity - city of fleece.
Felipe - to leap in a foolish manner.
Felix - Katmandu.
Fenton - one who takes old garbage from other people's
bins and make a meal for the whole family.
Fergie - nose hairs longer than 3 feet.
Fergus - Angus who has nose hairs longer than 3 feet.
Fern - plant
Fernando - really big plant.
Fido - obedient dog.
Fife - flute.
Filbert - eye of the leprechaun.
Filip - eye patch of the leprechaun.
Finbar - A Finnish person who runs into a bar.
Finley - of the fishes.
Finnegan - Irish for "Guppy".
Firenza - chili so hot it sets one's turds on fire.
Flannery - combination of flannel and chicanery in Welsh.
Flava - beans that go with a nice chianti.
Fletcher - one who wretches up vomit.
Flicka - what one does with one's boogers.
Flo - Ebb.
Flora - Fauna.
Florence - of Arabia in Italian.
Flossie - of the tooth in Tunisian.
Floyd - the barber in Mayberry-speak.
Flynn - contraction of "flying" in East Golgothian.
Fonsie - means "Hey" in Chachitown.
Forbes - money
Ford - car
Forrest - Gump
Fortune - see Forbes
Foster - child.
Frances - talking mule in Kentucky-speak.
Franco - derivative of Frankie.
Frank - beans.
Franklin - pot belly lightening conductor.
Frannie - francy pants.
Franz - Hanz.
Fraser - crane your neck so that you can see.
Fred - short for Manfred man, I need another hit song.
Freda - unibrow.
Frederick - of the Freds in Lapland.
Frigg - this friggin' mess had better be cleaned up!
Fritz - one who spits.
Frodo - wise derivation of Toto.
Fulton - ton of fun.