Christian Meaning of Names
Abel is an old biblical term meaning "I am able to
tackle the pigs."
Adam is a 3,000 year old term and the shortening of "madam."
Amos means "see Andy".
Andy means "see Amos".
Barnabas is the old biblical term for the "Son of
Barnaby Jones".
Benjamin means "Big Money" in Hebrew.
Caleb is the next door neighbor brat who has a crush on
your 13-year-old daughter.
Cornelius means "one-eyed giant" with a large
Darius is an ancient name for Hootie.
Daniel means "Chosen by God and Elton John".
David means "one with big stones."
Deborah is the shortened term for "Queen bee of a Seinfeld
Delilah stands for "in the harem of Tom Jones."
Elijah was a wooden Indian standing by the door.
Emanuel means physical labor by Baptists.
Esther is the short name for Mole Esther who was a bad,
bad woman.
Ethan is a hawk of a name.
Eve is short for the evening of Adam's short term of happiness.
Ezekiel is short for "Zeke of the creek" a water
Ezra will pound you into the ground.
Gabriel means "Gabby Angel who cannot keep a secret".
Gideon means pigeon toed in Yiddish.
Hannah is an old biblical term for "Hand it over,
Hagar is translated into "Horrible" in eleven
cartoon languages.
Hazel means "Nazareth people with multi-color eyes".
Hosanna is the Old Testament term for "The Highest
One you don't mess with".
Isaac - Hayes the Lord!
Isaiah means, "I say a old chap, do you know where
one can get a pint to drink around here?"
Jacob is the Roman term for "corn on the cob."
Jeremiah was a bullfrog and that's all you need to know.
Job is the name for one who is fully employed.
Jonah always does a whale of a good job.
Joseph is prophesized to mean "thou shalt be a carpenter,
sing 'If I had a hammer' and be related to Karen Carpenter.
Joshua judges Ruth so is there any more to say?
Lazarus means wake up you sleeping fool because you don't
want to become that Sleepy Hollow guy, do you?
Levi means "pants" in Christian lore.
Luke is the Christian term for "I am not your father."
Lois common denominator, oh yeah, you know what I'm talking
Malachi is a kind of rock in old Jewish times.
Mary means "Immaculate conception for the stubborn
Matthew is the formal name for "Matt the brat".
Michael is the Jordan of old Christian names.
Naomi means "put me on a Campbell's soup can".
Nebuchadezzer is the affectionate term for "Scrooge
Noah is the old Christian term for someone who will find
the "Ark of the Convenant".
Orpah is the misspelling of Oprah!
Paul is a small and tall and will fall on a ball.
Peter is the tender of the roosters.
Philip my car with petrol.
Rebekah is the Christian name for "burning bush or
OMG my hair is on fire!"
Ruth is the Old Jerusalem term for "chocolate covered
Samuel is short for "Sam I am" who was counting
money at the temple one day.
Sarah is the princess of all that is dark, light gray or
Seth is the shortened name for "Who saideth so?"
Simon must tell you what to do or else you're out of the
Tiffany means "Diamonds are a girl's best friend"
Tim is down the well and Lassie must rescue him.
Uriah is in a Heap of trouble.
Zacharias is one of several Christian names for "Hacky
Zion is a combination of Zoo and Lion and means, "Big-hearted
straw man who wishes he had a brain."